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Barista in the Sky
Meet us in the lil' treat aisle
(hint: the tea aisle)
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So... what is it actually?

Our tea concentrate mixes and mingles with your choice of milk to make a made-to-order little latte treat. Make it hot, iced, sweet, rich—whatever makes you happy.

TLDR: it's a moment for joy.

Step by Step (ooh, baby)
  1. 1. Shake it up
  2. 2. Blend equal parts concentrate with milk
  3. 3. Add ice or heat it up
  4. 4. Enjoy

The Little Treat Line-Up


Sometimes spin-offs are overrated. Stick to the basics.

Organic black tea + traditional Ayurvedic spices. Sweet, but not too sweet.


Getting your greens in as a little treat? You're so clever.

Matcha in a minute: no sifting, whisking or extra dishes.


For when you maybe, possibly already had another little treat today.

Reduced sugar—but not flavor. ‘Cause that would be a bummer.


Turmeric is so in right now. And has been for like, 4000 years.

The gold standard of chai: boosted by an ancient superfood and caffeine-free.


Oopsie, it’s 8pm and you realize you skipped little-treat-time.

Made with herbal rooibos tea for a more mellow vibe.

Little Treats, Big Joy


When the world around you feels whacky, prioritizing joy invites calm to replace the chaos. Think of that lil' treat as protecting your peace so that the hard stuff feels a little less hard.

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